Malaria hospitalisation in East Africa: age, phenotype and transmission intensity.

27 jan 2022
Kamau A, Paton RS, Akech S, Mpimbaza A, Khazenzi C, Ogero M, Mumo E, Alegana VA, Agweyu A, Mturi N, Mohammed S, Bigogo G, Audi A, Kapisi J, Sserwanga A, Namuganga JF, Kariuki S, Otieno NA, Nyawanda BO, Olotu A, Salim N, Athuman T, Abdulla S, Mohamed AF, Mtove G, Reyburn H, Gupta S, Lourenço J, Bejon P, Snow RW
Understanding the age patterns of disease is necessary to target interventions to maximise cost-effective impact. New malaria chemoprevention and vaccine initiatives target young children attending routine immunisation services. Here we explore the relationships between age and severity of malaria hospitalisation versus malaria transmission intensity.