Knowledge sharing for severe malaria

Photo: Emmanuel Museruka / MMV

The Severe Malaria Observatory (SMO) serves the global malaria community. By sharing information on the SMO, you are contributing to the deepening of knowledge on severe malaria globally.

Join us by sharing information with us through our contact form or follow us on our social media pages.

Featured resources

Injectable Artesunate Tool kit - Videos

New video - Artesunate injection for severe malaria: New formulation based on arginine (ArgesunĀ® 60 mg)

16 October 2024 13th Annual RBM Case Management Working Group Meeting (Kigali); Presentations
23 November 2023 Africa-Europe partnership launches study to evaluate emergency response tools for severe malaria in highly isolated rural settings
20 March 2024 Maternal and child health: Community-based Intermittent Preventive Treatment (IPTc) and the pre-referral use of Artesunate Rectal Capsules (ARC) in children under 5 years of age with severe malaria.

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