A rapid assessment of severe malaria management in Liberia

04 nov 2019
National Malaria Control Programme of Liberia; Medicines for Malaria Venture; Development Data

This report summarises the findings of a rapid assessment of severe malaria case management in Liberia. The assessment was conducted between April and June 2019 by the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) with technical support from Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV),the U.S. President Malaria Initiative (PMI) Liberia, and Development Data. This assessment was commissioned by NMCP with a purpose to provide evidence on severe malaria case management for children and pregnant women, comparing policy with practice. The specific objectives of the assessment were to identify gaps, assess the quality and use of training by health workers, report on accuracy of data management and generate evidence for supporting adjustments to severe malaria case management strategies.